In 1993, the first Canadian Deaf Golf Championship (CDGC) founded by Robert Cundy of Alberta because there was no national organisation for deaf golfers in Canada while some nations: Australia, Scotland, England, and the USA had emerging or established organisations. Also at the same time, Cundy was involved with those nations in creating World Deaf Golf Championship (WDGC). The first national championship was used as a medium to select best golfers for the World Deaf Golf Championship and encourage the sport of golf in the deaf community of Canada.
Cundy and Tim Mallach of Ontario established the Canadian Deaf Golf Association in 1997. Cundy and Mallach were the first officers of the newly established organisation as President and Vice President respectively; Grant Underschultz was the first Treasurer. There were no positions for secretary and provincial directors until 2001. In the same year of establishment, an organisational logo was created.
The mandate of CDGA is to develop the golf program nationally and recruit best Canadian golfers for the World Deaf Golf Championships.
The mandate of CDGA is to develop the golf program nationally and recruit best Canadian golfers for the World Deaf Golf Championships.
Previous Canadian Deaf Golf Championships:
1993 - 1st CDGC: Edmonton, AB
1995 - 2nd CDGC: Edmonton, AB
1996 - 3rd CDGC: Beaumont, AB
1999 - 4th CDGC: Edmonton, AB
2001 - 5th CDGC: London, ON
2003 - 6th CDGC: Langley, BC
2005 - 7th CDGC: Ottawa, ON
2007 - 8th CDGC: Mont Tremblant,QC
2009 - 9th CDGC: Regina, SASK
2011 - 10th CDGC: London, ON
2013 - 11th CDGC: Winnipeg, MAN
2015 - 12th CDGC: Okotaks, AB
2017 - 13th CDGC: Mount-Tremblant, Quebec
Source: CDGA -
Previous World Deaf Golf Championships:
1995 - 1st WDGC: Meriden, Warwickshire, England
1998 - 2nd WDGC: Abbotstown, United States
2000 - 3rd WDGC: Sun City, South Africa
2002 - 4th WDGC: Dublin, Ireland
2004 - 5th WDGC: Stockholm, Sweden
2006 - 6th WDGC: Edmonton, Canada
2008 - 7th WDGC: Perth, Australia
2010 - 8th WDGC: Scotland
2012 - 9th WDGC: Mie, Japan
2014 -10th WDGC: Michigan, USA
2016 -11th WDGC: Denmark
2018 -12th WDGC: Ireland
Source: WDGF - http://www.worlddeafgolf.com
CDGA Today
The sport of golf has grown gradually since the established year and continues to evolve with new and veteran deaf golfers at each CDGC.